Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who's around you?

As you know, ADC2 submission closure will come soon : on Monday, August 31, 2009. It is now time to deliver you a preview of facesAroundme.

facesAroundme allows you to see your facebook friends status but also where they are thanks to your mobile phone. With facesAroundme you can share your location with your friends and you can see friends that are around you and chat with them. You can also see facesAroundme members around you and add them as friends. It's so easy to keep in touch with your friends and make new ones. But, of course, at any moment you can decide if you want to be seen or not and by who.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

facesAroundMe is now on Facebook

We recently launched a facebook page for facesAroundMe. This is just another way to keep track of the ongoing activities and to discuss about facesAroundMe and the Android Challenge.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Android challenge 2

facesAroundme is participating to Android Challenge 2!

The first Android Developer Challenge was a big hit and we are very excited about participating to the second Android Challenge.

facesAroundMe will allow you to access to facebook on your mobile : update your status, see your friends status, upload photos directly from your mobile, etc. Plus, the facesAroundMe mobile phone application will show you on your mobile phone details about your facesAroundMe friends around you in the city, in the region or away.